Friday, January 21, 2011

Heavy Heart

Wow, what a week! I had to take Jackson to the doctor today and learned that he has another ear infection.. No wonder he has felt so rotten the last few days!! I do want to stop and acknowledge how thankful I am for my 2 healthy baby boys!! We may get sick every now and again, but all in all they are healthy. My heart has been so heavy since learning about a little girl named Kylie and what she is going through. I am going to copy and paste her story from her caring bridge so I don't say anything wrong or give false information..
"Kylie Grace was a typical fun loving 2 year old until a few months ago.  She started have some coordination and vision problems which escalated on December 30th this year.  We took Kylie to Children's Hospital in Knoxville where we were met with the news that she had a tennis ball sized tumor and a cyst on her brainstem.  She was flown from Knoxville to Le Bonhuer in Memphis on New's Years Eve Night.  At Le Bonhuer we discovered that Kylie's tumor was one of the largest they had seen in a 2 year old patient, and the cancer had also spread down her spine.  Kylie is currently undergoing her first round of treatment at St. Jude's in Memphis.  Doctors still have not pin pointed the type of cancer, so please continue to pray that this will be resolve quickly! "
Here is a picture of this precious baby girl and I picked this one because I love the positive attitude and their faith through this battle.
I am blogging about this today because I'm asking everyone to pray with my that if it be God's will that he heal her. I know he is a God of healing and he can do anything, and i deff. believe in the powere of prayer! Being a mom myself has made this so heavy on my heart. I also want to get a fundraiser event together here. I don't really know where or when yet  (sooner the better). I have to come up with a place that would be willing to let me set up my Scentsy table and since it is winter it probably needs to be somewhere that would let me set up inside. If anyone has any ideas that would be great!! I just want to do something to help.
I know her parents are missing a lot of work as well as the doctor bills they will have to pay, so I'm sure they can use all the help that can get. Anyone that wants to help me with this event is welcome to as well!! Thanks so much and Have a wonderful Friday!!
Xoxo Amanda


  1. The story about Kylie breaks my heart. I would just be so torn to pieces if that was one of my little girls. I think a fund-raiser is a great idea! I'd check with Panera, they are really cool about people doing business type things there. I'll help you if you want. I can help with set-up and advertising.

  2. I just read a book from a woman at my church, called The Power of Pain. Her son went thru this and lived and was a miracle and her faith and her prayers are what kept him alive!! I believe in miracles and will be praying for Kylie.
